We all know how important salt is in our daily requirement but excess salt can often lead to health issues like high BP. Just like salt even black pepper plays a crucial role in our routine but no one talks about it. However the fact is black pepper has been effective in healing many health problems hence, many experts in their research have even suggested it as a part of daily consumption. Adding it to the food can help to pace up the metabolism rate and improve the digestion process. Made from dried Piper Nigrum vine berries, Indian medicine has backed it as a medicinal option. Further, given is some research from modern medicine that shows its value in today’s time.

Cultivation of Black pepper says it all!

Black pepper grows in tropical countries mostly in Asia. One such fine example is Earthen Connect’s Meghalayan Black Pepper which is directly sourced from Meghalaya. It is cultivated from the natural process making it a healthy seasoning choice. Modern research suggests that using black pepper is a perfect solution to deal with health issues.

Dealing with radical

People’s lifestyles now are not as healthy as they were in the past. That is why, medicine dependency has increased a lot recently. Whether it is excess alcohol consumption, smoking, or exposure to the sun, the body gets exposed to many free radicals leading to unstable molecules damaging cells. This causes people to feel tired and prone to health issues like cancer and cardiovascular illness. The piperine present in Black pepper acts as a barrier towards radicals and protects the cells. It also has anti-inflammatory properties that control chronic inflammation like autoimmune diseases

Better absorption of compounds

Black pepper benefits body in many ways like it makes resveratrol consumption in the body easy. You can enjoy a sip of Red wine or munch snacks like peanuts rich in the antioxidant resveratrol. The only issue is Resveratrol frequently dissolves before body uses it. But black pepper makes more resveratrol available for your body to use. It might help protect against cancer and diabetes.

Strong antioxidant

Turmeric spice consist of curcumin which works as an  anti-inflammatory source to help the body heal within. Now here the role of black pepper can be useful as it improves the body’s ability to absorb curcumin. Experts advise to buy black pepper consisting of 20mg piperine with 2g of curcumin for humans to avail of anti-inflammatory benefits. Further, it also improves beta-carotene absorption which effectively converts into vitamin A. This enhances the body’s immunity to fight against cellular damage.

Fight the cancer cells

Black pepper might help fight cancer. It can also help make cancer treatments work better by stopping cancer cells from resisting drugs. In lab tests, piperine, a part of black pepper, helped stop breast, prostate, and colon cancer cells from growing and made them die. Experts have tested more than 50 different spices and found that piperine worked best with a treatment for the most aggressive breast cancer.


People use black pepper on their skin to treat measles and itchy skin from mites. You can buy Black Pepper from Earthen Connect which has an aroma and rich flavor with a touch of citrus earthiness. It is also free from any kind of harmful chemicals making it toxin-free that you can add in cooking to improve the taste and health too.